Medical aid Activities - Sneha Hospital
Medical consultancy @ Rs 10/- each for all the locals
Medicine on subsidy
Blood, Urine tests on subsidy
Free First Aid
Water Conservation Camphaign

Demonstration of slide show to the school children

All Schools to be covered by the campaign

A total of 73 major irrigation ponds are there in the Mandal

Removing the deposits in the ponds on priority basis

Involving the local populace as a team to conserve water

The rain water is being harvested through recharge pits.

Tree plantation is taken up as a habbit to reduce the heat and pollution

Providing financial aid to mineral water treatment plant for the use of villagers  
FY 2009 Continuous
Energy Conservation Camphaign
Educating the local on energy conservation
Demonstration of slide show on energy conservation
Explaining useful tips on energy saving
FY 2009-Continuous
Traffic Safety Awareness Camphaign
Demonstration of slide show to the school children and locals
FY 2009-Continuous
Swineflu Awareness Camphaign
Demonstration of slide show to the school children and locals
FY 2009-Continuous
Planning to provide sports facilities and equipments to School students to develop their skills
FY 2009-Continuous
Aid to Blind School
Distribution of sweets on Gandhi Jayanthi
Aiding for their education
FY 2009-Continuous
Scholar Ships to Poor and Merit Students
The poor and merit in studies are identified from the local schools/colleges and scholar ships through Chukkapalli Charitable Trust is provided.
